Live Measurement Software Service Provider in Jammu and Kashmir

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Live Measurement Software

Metkorp Equipments Pvt. Ltd is a Leading Live Measurement Software Service Provider company in Jammu and Kashmir. We offering Live Measurement Software at Best Price in Jammu and Kashmir. The offered Live Measurement Software in Jammu and Kashmir is valued by our patrons for their quality. The complete range of Live Measurement Software is having export quality supplying in Jammu and Kashmir. The offered Live Measurement Software in Jammu and Kashmir, is checked on various parameters by our quality controllers.

Live Measurement Software Service Provider in Jammu and Kashmir, Live Measurement Software Supplier in Jammu and Kashmir, Live Measurement Software in Jammu and Kashmir, Live Measurement Software at best price in Jammu and Kashmir. The Material Analysis Software that we deal in is used in varied applications and brings huge appreciation for the company as well. The Material Analysis Software that we bring forth is properly tested before its delivery to the esteemed clients in the global market.

• Cut, Copy, and Paste.
• Selected copy by free hand AOL controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard or mouse with zoom preview.
• Crop, duplicate, restore
• Resize
• Compression
• Conversion to other format BMP, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF & PSD
• Flood fill or spray with selected color at selected portion.
• Grid creation; 5X5, 10X10 & 100X100 lines.
• Drawing tool curve, line, square, and circle with node control and provision to change color & thickness of the line.
• Write text in any color or font.
• Pointer to place on an object in four directions with provision to change its color & thickness.
• Eraser works only on line, arrow or on any drawing tool.(not on original image)
• Camera Lucida
• Montage feature to merge stored image together. Useful to Merge different focuses of same image.
• Image stitching.
• Highlighter.
• Pixel by Pixel Correction by key board.
• Multiple image folder with Search facility.
• filter application on selected area

• Zoom in/out
• Zoomed preview
• Rotation at 90, 180,270 or custom
• Image flipping; horizontal or vertical axis
• Intensity histogram.
• Image Information
• Redo/Undo on all operations.
• Ruler in Various units.
• Slide show.

• Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or monochrome images
• Arithmatic image functions (Boolean Math; Add, AND, OR, XOR, DIFF, MIN, MAX, +, -, /, *, And Simple).

• Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur, Noise Remove, Emboss, Engrave, Gamma R, Gamma G, Gamma B, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Mosaic, Smooth, Desaturation, Pseudo Color, Colorize, Oilify, Despeckle, Postarize.

• High Boost, High Spatial, Low Pass Spatial, Ranking (Max, Med, Min), Point detection, Line detection, Homogeneity

• Laplacing, Sobel, Kirsch, Prewitt Gradient, Shift & Difference, Combine, Contrast Base, Quick, Range And Variance.

• Skelotizing, Pruning, SKIZ, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Smoothing, Histogram Peak, Histogram Valley, Segmentation by Over/Under and Quantized, Contouring, Dilation / Erosion on Binary, Gray & colored Images, Opening/ Closing on Gray & Binary Images, Special Opening/Closing, Split/Combine Of RGB, YUV, YIQ, XYZ, & HSL, Changing any Image to 1, 4, 8 & 24 Bits, Medial Axis. Transformation, Halftone. Image Addition, Image Average, Image Subtraction, Image Multiplication.

• Spartial calibration
• Line measurements for Distance, Length, Width, Perimeter, Angle, Three Point Radius.
• Area by enclosed line controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard arrows with zoomed preview.

• Identification of objects in an image, count them, obtain several features measurements. Objects identification by user or automatically.
• User defined classification on basis of size or intensity.

• Manual, Auto bright and Auto dark methods to identity intensity range defined object to be measured. Various calculation & measurements available for selected Particle are; Dimensions, Area, Perimeter, Ferrite Length, Min/Max Radius, Thread Length, Thread Width, Fiber Length, Fiber Width.

• Roundness, Shape, Orientation, Elongation, Equal Circular Diameter, Equal Sphere Volume.

• Centroid X, Centroid Y, Major X1, Major Y1, Minor X1, Minor Y1, Major X2, Major Y, Major X2, Minor Y2, Box X1, Box X2, Box Y, Box Y2 & Box Area.

• Measure area fraction & volume fraction. Identify multiple phases within Microstructure. Also delineate phases from the histogram.

• Three options: Direct printout with original image processed Image & Tabular results
• Export to MS Office or Excel for further modification.

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